
PrevenzioneIncendItalia 2024

Published 13 May 2024

In the face of digital transformation and the rapid growth of the data centre industry, it is paramount to ensure that mission-critical infrastructure facilities are equipped with a reliable fire protection solution for reduced downtime and the protection of people in case of a fire situation.

Join us at the PrevenzioneIncendItalia seminar on the 14th of May in Bergamo, Italy, where Antonio Terio, Regional Sales Manager Danfoss Fire Safety and Adriano Aquilante, Fire Technical Manager Sebino, one of our Partners in Italy, will present the new challenges for fire protection in the face of digital transformation. They will talk about the solutions to these challenges and how high-pressure water mist systems are being continuously improved in order to provide steady and efficient fire suppression in data centres.

Read more about the PrevenzioneIncendItalia seminars here: Associazione PREVENZIONEINCENDITALIA – Cultura della Sicurezza Antincendio

The learning journey continues. You can also meet us at:

  • PrevenzioneIncendItalia on the 4th of October in Venice, Italy
  • PrevenzioneIncendItalia on the 7th of November in Rome, Italy

Thank you to @Sebino for their great collaboration and efforts in sharing knowledge about the high-pressure water mist solution at the PrevenzioneIncendItalia seminars.

The presentations will be given in Italian, but you can reach out to @Antonio at for inquiries about English sessions or to discuss specific project solutions.


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