
Happy and healthy employees deliver better results

Published 7 October 2016

Staying healthy and fit not only makes sense, but it also enables you to perform better

All companies strive for superior performance. There are many ways to improve performance. In Danfoss Semco we work both on the hard and the soft side. Naturally staying loyal to our strategy is very import and so is using the large Danfoss tool box to optimize all processes in the firm.

However staying healthy and fit is equally important. That is one of the reasons we have a running club in Danfoss Semco. The goal is always to have more participants in the annual ”Eventyrløb” (the fairytale run named after Hans Christian Andersen who was born in Odense).

Danfoss Semco has participated in the run for more than 10 years and 2016 saw the highest number of participants ever. 42 employees and family members, ranging from 1 year to 54 years, enjoyed a nice day with hot dogs and drinks after the run.


Very visible Danfoss Semco participants at the “Eventyrløb 2016”


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