
Meet the CEO

Published 4 December 2014


Dear Customer,

Being successful in today’s fast paced environment requires a transformation of the way we do business. At Danfoss Semco, and in the fire fighting business in general, we are faced with an interesting dilemma. Our industry has safety as the number one objective, both in terms of protecting human life and safeguarding material assets. This leads to a very conservative approach and thus slow adoption of new technology and processes. Our water mist technology offers a long list of benefits to both designers, architects and installers on top of the significantly shorter down time in case of fire due to low water damage. Likewise our customers see many operational advantages in changing from high-pressure CO2 systems to low-pressure CO2 systems.

But offering the best products and solutions on the market is not sufficient to succeed. To gain customer loyalty we must also be the best in our day-to-day interaction with you our customers. To Danfoss Semco this means that we must be EASY TO DO BUSINESS WITH. Easy to do business with means that all business transactions are fast and simple and we meet or exceed your expectations in terms of both quality and delivery. In 2015 we are implementing many new processes and tools to support our ambition. The first step is the launch of our new portal where user friendliness has been the most important design parameter. I hope you will enjoy our new website and look forward to doing business with you.


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