The flexibility of high pressure water mist as a fire suppression media makes it suitable for a lot of special applications. For work intensive vessels like mining and other special purpose vessels high-pressure water mist is increasingly in demand as the preferred fire suppression system. The reason for this is based on the fact that water mist can be instantly released while operators are still in the hazard area. For vessels where a lot of tasks are handled by man power this is an advantage point as safety is not compromised and downtime is minimised.
Protected areas
The SEM-SAFE® pump unit is designed in order to integrate all hazard areas into one pump unit. For engine room protection dispersion of high-pressure water mist is very effective as the sheer volume of the water mist not only displace oxygen from the fire but also has a dramatic cooling effect.
“Subsea7” a diving support vessel, protected with SEM-SAFE® high-pressure water mist in accommodation and engine room . In addition a drencher cooling system is installed.
Read more about our fire fighting system for other types of vessels here.